Heh, with all the stress i wanna goin crazy with it. but i back it up with adding more THINGS! that i have to done it until next week.
stressfull with "homeWork"
"English Oral"
"Studying & preparing For Mac TEST!"
"Bola Jaring(represent school to Daerah)"
"Joining the Forum Remaja"
"Kursus Fasilitator"
" &last& not least trouble with my love one"
See how stressfull i am. thinking what should i dealt with it? how can i deal with it. lets talk about the Forum shall we? hmm.. at first. i want to join debate(BM), but i refuse the offer afterall, i'm stresss & not good in denying people thoughts. i'm SUCK at it. my part has been full by Nik 'Aisyah & Nadhira(good for them. ske bangkang org. haha.) so, okey, my second thoughts after seeing them join Debate, i want to join Syarahan. but also has been fulled by Ezreena(BI), Suhaib(BI),Eusuf(BM),Azleen(BI/Bm). so i felt a bit relief la( i donno why) but half of my heart want me to join something that i can do all the talking. then, yesterday, aimi told me if i want to join Forum cause there's no one take part in it yet. at that time, i felt so happy and anxious to signup my name in it. Siti Aisyah also offered me the same thing. for once, yes, i am feeling euthiasiasm. but last night, i dunno y i felt different & a bit tension and Confuse and sick! so i made up my mind to not to join the forum, for my sake. i've told siti this morning. but then, i accidently can change my mind again to join the forum. semua disebabkan Puan Raha Paksa(not paksa really). when she told me to join Forum, i just was about to say "
NO" but my lips not give their coorperation to what am i thinking. so i agreed with her offer. she asked me to find my groups. she want us to prepare from now on so we can have enough time to '
hafal'. hahaha. first person i purpose is '
Arif & Azrul(Yun)'. i knew Arif would gave me a fast answer that is why i asked him when i saw he & Yun walking at the corridor blok B(hahahaha). Yun gave me answer for tommorow. i have 4 Forum Candidate now i have to find 2 more people to be get it 6. ;l