yeay!! i'm done with my FORUM REMAJA! eventhough i was perform it badly. but nehh, at least i had my chance to experience how ppl take part in such thing. afterall, it is my last year of school. next year i'm not a SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT ANYMORE, NOT 7TEENIANS NO MORE! ENOUGH WITH ACTIVITIES. yeay? nehh, i will missed school for next year. i hve to be more independent lah. aish. i dunno what im gonna do after SPM bah? i will not gonna b in Malaysia the day after SPM over. goin to U.K. urgh!! BORINGG!!~~ dh lah sejuk. nak mandi pun x selesa. bosan lak tu. takde member. :(( huh. sangat bosan. harap x lama sgt.
tommorow gonna be the last day of monthly test! next week hols!! tdo tdo tdoooo!!! ;DD sgt happy. ahah. but at the same time bosan gak sbb xde keje nk wat. kne menelaah je. huhuhuhu.
oh ya, back to the Forum. dijalankan di SMK Bandar Sunway. kat dewan Budiman. adehhh..first time in 11 year i went to school, i hold Microfon! ahah. believe it or not? believe it la. aku tak pernah sertai pertandingan camni. selalunya pertandingan yang buat gerakan badan je, suara2 xde pun.so okey la kan? menang kalah biaq p ja. hohoho. ada ke Eusuff kata kitaorg Mayb dpt no 4. drpd penelitian dia terhadap team2 lain. but i guess we're not on the top5 pn. because of me lah. gelabah x tentu pasal atas pentas. siot oohh!! nasib baik x terasa segan sgt time tu. lantak ah. apa nk jadi. jadik, perdulikkan. asalkan aku buat apa yang aku taw sahaja. ngeh3.;P
esok amik paper Science, Bm, then addmath, & BI. arghh! suppose to be taking only 2 subject. tp disbbkan science dgn BM x amik ari selasa, so postpone pd esok. Mod Math amik pagi tadi(dlm keadaan terpksa, sbnrnya mls nak amik. hehe.;p) itupn sbb Aimiazie amikkan kertas exam tu. aduhh.bru igt nk bca ekonomi. nasib baik ekonomi not so bad at all. harap2lah aku fail satu je utk monthly test ni, iaitu, ADDMATH!! huhuu... byk dpt soalan bocor ni. hehehehe. doa2 berjaya! aminnn!!~:))