Syarifah Alyaa Izzati is the name.17 years younger. wakakaka.:P I'm oVER with schools. WORKING at MPH Parade now since my hols gonna be bored. Kerja Untuk DUIT & pengalaman. hehehe.:P
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Heh, with all the stress i wanna goin crazy with it. but i back it up with adding more THINGS! that i have to done it until next week. stressfull with "homeWork" "SchoolWork" "Dutynesss" "Tuitioness" "English Oral" "Studying & preparing For Mac TEST!" "Bola Jaring(represent school to Daerah)" "Joining the Forum Remaja" "Kursus Fasilitator" " &last& not least trouble with my love one" See how stressfull i am. thinking what should i dealt with it? how can i deal with it. lets talk about the Forum shall we? hmm.. at first. i want to join debate(BM), but i refuse the offer afterall, i'm stresss & not good in denying people thoughts. i'm SUCK at it. my part has been full by Nik 'Aisyah & Nadhira(good for them. ske bangkang org. haha.) so, okey, my second thoughts after seeing them join Debate, i want to join Syarahan. but also has been fulled by Ezreena(BI), Suhaib(BI),Eusuf(BM),Azleen(BI/Bm). so i felt a bit relief la( i donno why) but half of my heart want me to join something that i can do all the talking. then, yesterday, aimi told me if i want to join Forum cause there's no one take part in it yet. at that time, i felt so happy and anxious to signup my name in it. Siti Aisyah also offered me the same thing. for once, yes, i am feeling euthiasiasm. but last night, i dunno y i felt different & a bit tension and Confuse and sick! so i made up my mind to not to join the forum, for my sake. i've told siti this morning. but then, i accidently can change my mind again to join the forum. semua disebabkan Puan Raha Paksa(not paksa really). when she told me to join Forum, i just was about to say " NO" but my lips not give their coorperation to what am i thinking. so i agreed with her offer. she asked me to find my groups. she want us to prepare from now on so we can have enough time to ' hafal'. hahaha. first person i purpose is ' Arif & Azrul(Yun)'. i knew Arif would gave me a fast answer that is why i asked him when i saw he & Yun walking at the corridor blok B(hahahaha). Yun gave me answer for tommorow. i have 4 Forum Candidate now i have to find 2 more people to be get it 6. ;l
Didalam sebuah cinta...terdapat bahasaYang mengalun indah...mengisi jiwamerindukan kisah...kita berduaYang tak pernah bisa...akan terlupaBila Rindu ini..masih milikmuKuhadirkan sebuah..tanya untukmuHarus brapa lama..aku menunggumu..aku menunggumu...Didalam masa indah...saat bersamamuYang tak pernah bisa...akan terlupaKenangan masa yang...menghancurkan jiwaDengan segenap cinta...aku bertanyaBila Rindu ini..masih milikmuKuhadirkan sebuah..tanya untukmuHarus brapa lama..aku menunggumu..Dalam hati kumenunggu..Dalam hati kumenunggu..aku...Dalam benak kumenunggu..Dalam hati kumenunggu..aku...masih menunggu....Bila Rindu ini..masih milikmu...Kuhadirkan sebuah..harus berapa lama...Harus brapa lama...aku menunggumu..aku menunggumuyaaaa!! dis song make me cry. did he try to test me or what????? YA ALLAH! baru sminggu. tp aku rasa mcm berthn. like he try to fool me. he said he love me. but./??? mengapa dia mengata rindu pada perempuan lain padahal pd aku...............???? aku sms dia, langsung tak reply. gila terhiris. rasa mcm kena gilis dgn lori trak besar je!!!! arghhhh!! aku menangis lagi? kali ni lg lebat. rasa mcm mau meraung je. biar...biarkan la aku seorang. ah, lelaki... kata-kata kebanyakkan berdusta. jgn taburkan kata manis kemudian hamparkan pahit disebaliknya. i thing i want to change to my old attitude back. secretive. .;((
woohoo..second week & second Ekonomi class. ngehee..mggu lps asal apa yg cikgu ajar aku leh paham? asal mggu ni cam K.O skit??? hmmm..k ah nk jadikan cite, td masa aku tgh lepak tggu minachi-minachi bayar yuran masuk. aku usha jgak mamat2 yg masuk kancil. mana tahu ada yg hensem & mana taw nmpk Aizat masuk(hey, i'm still loyal to Emir k! i just like to see his face, no feeling. really.;))) so slow gila minachi tu nk bayar. kelas akan start pkul 5:45. aku smpai pkul 5:20 td, tggu giliran smpai 5:35. hush. 15minit tggu. haiyaaa!~ dalam2 tggu tu. tiba2 aku ada lah nmpk sorg mamat ni masuk, *mcm kenal je* tp mmg kenal pn. pki spec, rmbut spikey sikit. tp aku buat bodoh je la. sbb masa tu aku tgh uruskan perihal Yuran. masa tu aku dgr jgak perbualan Puan apa tah yg tgh isi borg aku tu ckp ngan kakak kancil(melayu). dia tnya nama mamat yg masuk td. rupa2nya dia NOORSHAM. Ex-Izzati. Secret Admire aisya(not anymore.) lol.;p takdela tggi mana. asal masa form3 aku nmpk dia mcm tggi je.? hmm. lantak ah. k selesai byr yuran, aku nk masuk ah ke kelas. masa tu mamat mana tah diri tepi pintu masuk tu. rasanya membe si noorsham tu jgak kot la. pndg2 je. aku ada hutang ke? ish3. lantaklah. masuk2 ddk seat paling blkgggggggg skali. sblh bulat. bru nk ddk je, Eddy(chinese boy) tiba2 hulur tgn perkenlkan diri. aku yg terpinga2 pn ckplah 'Hello'. si Eddy ni plak kuat mengusik, bleh ke dia ckp. "Oh, your name is Hello eh?' siot tul. Friendly gle mamat ni. aku baru masuk dia dh tegur ramah. siap buat pertunjukkan silap mata lagi dgn aku. hahahahaha. hebat gak dia wat Magic(trick je kot.);p Eddy ni membe syarizan, satu kerja dekat B&W. tah bila x igt. sbb syarizan ni ske tkar2 tmpt kerja. but seriously, i'm okey with him. funny, friendly, & first person(chinese besides my schoolmate) kat situ yg ske kacau aku. hehehe. Cara dia buat aku tak ragu2 nk kacau dia balik. ehehhehe. oh ya, aku taw spe Azira ske. sejak mggu lps. tp aku x pernah nmpk mamat tu, ponteng kot smggu lps. td baru nmpk. hush! bapak TINGGI! aku yg sekian pendek, terasa lg pendek ble berdiri sblh dia. hmm. bleh thn gaklah cute muka dia, no wonderla Azira TERske. ish3. ;p No commentla... but apa2pn. i'm still loyal to my dearest syg.;)
Oh yeah! it has been 6 month after Emir asked me to couple on 2August07(18:30)! this Feb will be our 7 month annivesary. yeawwweee!! but seriously, i donno la. i just feel weird. not meaning my love through him has gone. on second thought, its still here and my feelings towards him is now really damn STRONG!! i just cant resist to not to missed him for just one second! lately, even he called me, his word can make my tears fell out. i donno, it's like something chnging here. like we werent ourself. or this IS ourself but it doesnt show on the past 6 month? arghhh! i really do love him! even if i mad with him, a part of me want to sulk but the other part couldnt let me. it just like i cant get angry with him. i want to protest but i couldnt! oh why?why? this is one of the thing that i dont really like about couple. i just like who i was in form 3 when in relationship with Syamsul(J.B). but i dun even fall in love with him like i was into Emir now. i was just being loyalty to him for almost 8 months. and that 8 month make me suffered enough!! i just cant stand it! i been stuck with someone i didnt fall to and last for 8 month long without realising, hey i dun even feel that we're in a relationship. Serious suffer that time. and now, Emir??? does he wanted to do the samething to me too?? Urghh!! i really cant stand falling in love. i shouldnt put 100% on love. i have to reduce it till 80%, the other 20% i cant prepare for all those sudden things that would happen between us. but really. i dont wanna lose him! i cant imagine if i clash with him. but who knows. GOD's will, human being has be creat with their partner right? pray for us. i love Emir Azfar b.Rasemi so much. hope our relationship will last 4ever!

I have no longer using this blogg account. please proceed to www.akupersonafikasi09.blogspot.com for 2009 details.tq.;D.
Heh, with all the stress i wanna goin crazy with it. but i back it up with adding more THINGS! that i have to done it until next week. stressfull with "homeWork" "SchoolWork" "Dutynesss" "Tuitioness" "English Oral" "Studying & preparing For Mac TEST!" "Bola Jaring(represent school to Daerah)" "Joining the Forum Remaja" "Kursus Fasilitator" " &last& not least trouble with my love one" See how stressfull i am. thinking what should i dealt with it? how can i deal with it. lets talk about the Forum shall we? hmm.. at first. i want to join debate(BM), but i refuse the offer afterall, i'm stresss & not good in denying people thoughts. i'm SUCK at it. my part has been full by Nik 'Aisyah & Nadhira(good for them. ske bangkang org. haha.) so, okey, my second thoughts after seeing them join Debate, i want to join Syarahan. but also has been fulled by Ezreena(BI), Suhaib(BI),Eusuf(BM),Azleen(BI/Bm). so i felt a bit relief la( i donno why) but half of my heart want me to join something that i can do all the talking. then, yesterday, aimi told me if i want to join Forum cause there's no one take part in it yet. at that time, i felt so happy and anxious to signup my name in it. Siti Aisyah also offered me the same thing. for once, yes, i am feeling euthiasiasm. but last night, i dunno y i felt different & a bit tension and Confuse and sick! so i made up my mind to not to join the forum, for my sake. i've told siti this morning. but then, i accidently can change my mind again to join the forum. semua disebabkan Puan Raha Paksa(not paksa really). when she told me to join Forum, i just was about to say " NO" but my lips not give their coorperation to what am i thinking. so i agreed with her offer. she asked me to find my groups. she want us to prepare from now on so we can have enough time to ' hafal'. hahaha. first person i purpose is ' Arif & Azrul(Yun)'. i knew Arif would gave me a fast answer that is why i asked him when i saw he & Yun walking at the corridor blok B(hahahaha). Yun gave me answer for tommorow. i have 4 Forum Candidate now i have to find 2 more people to be get it 6. ;l
Didalam sebuah cinta...terdapat bahasaYang mengalun indah...mengisi jiwamerindukan kisah...kita berduaYang tak pernah bisa...akan terlupaBila Rindu ini..masih milikmuKuhadirkan sebuah..tanya untukmuHarus brapa lama..aku menunggumu..aku menunggumu...Didalam masa indah...saat bersamamuYang tak pernah bisa...akan terlupaKenangan masa yang...menghancurkan jiwaDengan segenap cinta...aku bertanyaBila Rindu ini..masih milikmuKuhadirkan sebuah..tanya untukmuHarus brapa lama..aku menunggumu..Dalam hati kumenunggu..Dalam hati kumenunggu..aku...Dalam benak kumenunggu..Dalam hati kumenunggu..aku...masih menunggu....Bila Rindu ini..masih milikmu...Kuhadirkan sebuah..harus berapa lama...Harus brapa lama...aku menunggumu..aku menunggumuyaaaa!! dis song make me cry. did he try to test me or what????? YA ALLAH! baru sminggu. tp aku rasa mcm berthn. like he try to fool me. he said he love me. but./??? mengapa dia mengata rindu pada perempuan lain padahal pd aku...............???? aku sms dia, langsung tak reply. gila terhiris. rasa mcm kena gilis dgn lori trak besar je!!!! arghhhh!! aku menangis lagi? kali ni lg lebat. rasa mcm mau meraung je. biar...biarkan la aku seorang. ah, lelaki... kata-kata kebanyakkan berdusta. jgn taburkan kata manis kemudian hamparkan pahit disebaliknya. i thing i want to change to my old attitude back. secretive. .;((
woohoo..second week & second Ekonomi class. ngehee..mggu lps asal apa yg cikgu ajar aku leh paham? asal mggu ni cam K.O skit??? hmmm..k ah nk jadikan cite, td masa aku tgh lepak tggu minachi-minachi bayar yuran masuk. aku usha jgak mamat2 yg masuk kancil. mana tahu ada yg hensem & mana taw nmpk Aizat masuk(hey, i'm still loyal to Emir k! i just like to see his face, no feeling. really.;))) so slow gila minachi tu nk bayar. kelas akan start pkul 5:45. aku smpai pkul 5:20 td, tggu giliran smpai 5:35. hush. 15minit tggu. haiyaaa!~ dalam2 tggu tu. tiba2 aku ada lah nmpk sorg mamat ni masuk, *mcm kenal je* tp mmg kenal pn. pki spec, rmbut spikey sikit. tp aku buat bodoh je la. sbb masa tu aku tgh uruskan perihal Yuran. masa tu aku dgr jgak perbualan Puan apa tah yg tgh isi borg aku tu ckp ngan kakak kancil(melayu). dia tnya nama mamat yg masuk td. rupa2nya dia NOORSHAM. Ex-Izzati. Secret Admire aisya(not anymore.) lol.;p takdela tggi mana. asal masa form3 aku nmpk dia mcm tggi je.? hmm. lantak ah. k selesai byr yuran, aku nk masuk ah ke kelas. masa tu mamat mana tah diri tepi pintu masuk tu. rasanya membe si noorsham tu jgak kot la. pndg2 je. aku ada hutang ke? ish3. lantaklah. masuk2 ddk seat paling blkgggggggg skali. sblh bulat. bru nk ddk je, Eddy(chinese boy) tiba2 hulur tgn perkenlkan diri. aku yg terpinga2 pn ckplah 'Hello'. si Eddy ni plak kuat mengusik, bleh ke dia ckp. "Oh, your name is Hello eh?' siot tul. Friendly gle mamat ni. aku baru masuk dia dh tegur ramah. siap buat pertunjukkan silap mata lagi dgn aku. hahahahaha. hebat gak dia wat Magic(trick je kot.);p Eddy ni membe syarizan, satu kerja dekat B&W. tah bila x igt. sbb syarizan ni ske tkar2 tmpt kerja. but seriously, i'm okey with him. funny, friendly, & first person(chinese besides my schoolmate) kat situ yg ske kacau aku. hehehe. Cara dia buat aku tak ragu2 nk kacau dia balik. ehehhehe. oh ya, aku taw spe Azira ske. sejak mggu lps. tp aku x pernah nmpk mamat tu, ponteng kot smggu lps. td baru nmpk. hush! bapak TINGGI! aku yg sekian pendek, terasa lg pendek ble berdiri sblh dia. hmm. bleh thn gaklah cute muka dia, no wonderla Azira TERske. ish3. ;p No commentla... but apa2pn. i'm still loyal to my dearest syg.;)
Oh yeah! it has been 6 month after Emir asked me to couple on 2August07(18:30)! this Feb will be our 7 month annivesary. yeawwweee!! but seriously, i donno la. i just feel weird. not meaning my love through him has gone. on second thought, its still here and my feelings towards him is now really damn STRONG!! i just cant resist to not to missed him for just one second! lately, even he called me, his word can make my tears fell out. i donno, it's like something chnging here. like we werent ourself. or this IS ourself but it doesnt show on the past 6 month? arghhh! i really do love him! even if i mad with him, a part of me want to sulk but the other part couldnt let me. it just like i cant get angry with him. i want to protest but i couldnt! oh why?why? this is one of the thing that i dont really like about couple. i just like who i was in form 3 when in relationship with Syamsul(J.B). but i dun even fall in love with him like i was into Emir now. i was just being loyalty to him for almost 8 months. and that 8 month make me suffered enough!! i just cant stand it! i been stuck with someone i didnt fall to and last for 8 month long without realising, hey i dun even feel that we're in a relationship. Serious suffer that time. and now, Emir??? does he wanted to do the samething to me too?? Urghh!! i really cant stand falling in love. i shouldnt put 100% on love. i have to reduce it till 80%, the other 20% i cant prepare for all those sudden things that would happen between us. but really. i dont wanna lose him! i cant imagine if i clash with him. but who knows. GOD's will, human being has be creat with their partner right? pray for us. i love Emir Azfar b.Rasemi so much. hope our relationship will last 4ever!