Syarifah Alyaa Izzati is the name.17 years younger. wakakaka.:P I'm oVER with schools. WORKING at MPH Parade now since my hols gonna be bored. Kerja Untuk DUIT & pengalaman. hehehe.:P
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seperti biasa, kebelakangan ni aku jarang tidur awal. tak sah kalau tak tidur pukul 4 atau 3 pagi. walaupun aku mengantuk, tapi sengaja aku tahan mata ni dari tidur. with one motif, mau Gayut pagi-pagi buta. but dont get me wrong, Gayut bukan gayut macam monyet kat dahan, tapi gayut kat Hp. huuhuhu. it's has been 3 weeks aku tidur pukul 4 am. kadang-kadang pukul 5 atau pukul 6 am(lps solat subuh of course). aku tahu ini tak baik untuk kesihatan, lebih-lebih lagi budak sekolah seperti aku nie. haish. but i cant resist it, i just miss him so damn MUCH! ;(macam dah jadi kebiasaan, sehari tak dgr suara dia, mcm ada suatu tak kena je. kami boleh berborak lama sbb i've just change my number to digi. so now i've 2 numbers. i dun care kalau aku pokai sekalipun, for him, apa sahaja aku boleh korbankan, for now. i want to spend some time with him. starting next year, i'll be starting school and he'll be working maybe 24 hour. masa tidur aku jugak akan kembali seperti biasa iaitu antara pukul 11:30pm-12. so, we dont have time to contact or meet. both busy with their work and studies. aku tahun depan dahlh akan amik SPM.!! Warghhh!! oh why. why. i missed him so darn Damn much!! kalau sekarang. seminggu tak jumpa pun dah macam 3 tahun tak jumpa, apatah lagi tahun depan. lagi susah mau jumpa. lately, he always let his tap running out everytime we chat in the phone. arghhh!! i dont want to see he cried because of me! Damn It! aku tak boleh tengok dia nangis ataupun dengar dia nangis. i miss his laughing face & jokes. i know he miss me like Damn much! so do i. i do feel like i want to run to him and hug him and never let go. but what can i do? i'm a muslim girl with hijab cvering my head. Iman yang masih bersisa membataskan aku melakukan perkara itu. Nafsuweyh. aku takmau mengaku kalah dengan nafsu aku. aminn.this morning around 12:54am, he told me that he cant call me, out of credit and tension. i'll understand but his tension make me miserable, my mind keep asking, what's wrong with him? is he okey? and many more Question just pop out into my head. i cant sleep(well, i just sleep 4 hours in the afternoon, how can i sleep at night?) so, i join my bro watching "Jutawan Fakir" but not for long, 1:45am, i went back upstairs to brush up my messy hair at the same time reading a magazine to cover my boredome.. suddenly at 2:10am, he sms me, my guess was right, he'll sms me asking me to called him. so quickly i called him using "ehem" phone.;p pujuk dia agak lama. he cried again, OH GOD! i cant hear he cried. but not for long, i tried to cheer him up. it works. but it takes 2 hours to persuade him & make him laugh. hard though, but it was worth it when i heard his laughing voice. that's all i need to hear from him. pukul 11:15am td dia sms aku lagi, mintak aku call dia. okeylah aku call mana tahu ada perkara penting dia nak cakap, rupanya dia nak hantar baju k.U(yang lapuk) kat aku. aku kata okeylah. nanti dia sms aku. i'll wait for my mom to pick aimi at auntie Saadah's house. aku curi2 keluar dari pintu belakang rumah dengan bantuan kak Supina(yang sedang masak) bagi cover aku daripada kantoi dengan abg sulung aku. fuhhh.. aku jumpa dengan dia kat tepi rumah Ilya. aku sandar kat tepi tembok tu. dia bawak satu plastik untuk bagi aku. lepas aku ambil dan check, tiba-tiba je dia tarik aku ke dalam pelukan dia and menyatakan yang dia rindu aku teramat sangat. Woahhh!! serious, terkejut pun ada, rasa macam nak nangis pun ada masa tu. aku memang rindukan dia, tapi aku takmau tunjuk muka sedih aku kat dia, dia tengah sedih kalau dia tengok muka aku sedih, lagilah dia sedih. aku takmau itu. lama jugaklah dia peluk aku. nak aja aku balas pelukan dia tapi aku tak daya. takut apa yang jiran sebelahku kata nanti. sebak pun ada bila dia peluk aku tapi aku sedaya upaya tahan supaya tak tertunjuk. rasa macam pertemuan tadi tak cukup bagi melepaskan rindu. terasa sekejap sahaja. waarghh!! depan dia memang aku boleh tahan sebak, aku gadis kuat. aku tak mahu nangis. Sayang. naluri perempuan lebih mudah tersentuh, sekuat mana aku tahan, ia mampu goyah jugak. huhuhu..;(
hey hey peps!!i just moderate new account..actually this is the first time i wrote blog.(follower heheh). i'm just bored actually. that's why i think writting a blog is useful to realease stress & boredome. haish. hols sure is bored nowadays. cant go out. stuck in my house doin nothin. DARN IT! i just can't for school to be reopen eventhough 2008 is my horror year. SPM. oh my dear SPM. time sure fly. 2008 is our last year of school. i have to enjoy it as much as i could. don't even care about SPM duh, well actually i do care...a bit. hahaha. arghhh!!Hey, the great news about this hols is...i'm Grounded! sheesh!! really was a good news!! dream on, i'm getting bored & bored each days forward. i do felt guilty to him. all cpls go out with their cpls on the hols, but we can't & this is all because of that stupid Grounded thingy! Arghhh!! why do i have to be grounded just because i walk to my friend's place at ss 17?? why don't my mom trust us like dad trust us to walk home from school using the flyers. I was tottaly Horrified when using that old flyers, there's one time when i walk to school on Friday afternoon to the library, there's a lorry came along and suddenly stop exactly in front of me.on that time,my heart has stop beating. My feelings telling me something suspicious with the lorry. but i just act brave and just walk beside the lorry. The lorry' driver is actually an indian guy. he's wearing a dark sunglasses. woahh..i say..seriously i say, why is he staring at me like i'm walking naked? that make me goosebumps. but i just walk along but faster than before. after 10 steps behind, the lorry drove off. Fiuhhh!! that was a realease. seriously, i dont know what gonna happen to me if that indian guy snatch me and pull me inside. woaaahhh.. no way no wayy!! Thank GOD i'm safe. from that day, i'll nvr use that old flyers again after they have built a bridge that connected ss19 to ss17. its give a lot easier for me. furthermore, the bridge is located near to my house.;)that was a valuable lesson for me to be more be careful with anything around me. ;))

I have no longer using this blogg account. please proceed to www.akupersonafikasi09.blogspot.com for 2009 details.tq.;D.
seperti biasa, kebelakangan ni aku jarang tidur awal. tak sah kalau tak tidur pukul 4 atau 3 pagi. walaupun aku mengantuk, tapi sengaja aku tahan mata ni dari tidur. with one motif, mau Gayut pagi-pagi buta. but dont get me wrong, Gayut bukan gayut macam monyet kat dahan, tapi gayut kat Hp. huuhuhu. it's has been 3 weeks aku tidur pukul 4 am. kadang-kadang pukul 5 atau pukul 6 am(lps solat subuh of course). aku tahu ini tak baik untuk kesihatan, lebih-lebih lagi budak sekolah seperti aku nie. haish. but i cant resist it, i just miss him so damn MUCH! ;(macam dah jadi kebiasaan, sehari tak dgr suara dia, mcm ada suatu tak kena je. kami boleh berborak lama sbb i've just change my number to digi. so now i've 2 numbers. i dun care kalau aku pokai sekalipun, for him, apa sahaja aku boleh korbankan, for now. i want to spend some time with him. starting next year, i'll be starting school and he'll be working maybe 24 hour. masa tidur aku jugak akan kembali seperti biasa iaitu antara pukul 11:30pm-12. so, we dont have time to contact or meet. both busy with their work and studies. aku tahun depan dahlh akan amik SPM.!! Warghhh!! oh why. why. i missed him so darn Damn much!! kalau sekarang. seminggu tak jumpa pun dah macam 3 tahun tak jumpa, apatah lagi tahun depan. lagi susah mau jumpa. lately, he always let his tap running out everytime we chat in the phone. arghhh!! i dont want to see he cried because of me! Damn It! aku tak boleh tengok dia nangis ataupun dengar dia nangis. i miss his laughing face & jokes. i know he miss me like Damn much! so do i. i do feel like i want to run to him and hug him and never let go. but what can i do? i'm a muslim girl with hijab cvering my head. Iman yang masih bersisa membataskan aku melakukan perkara itu. Nafsuweyh. aku takmau mengaku kalah dengan nafsu aku. aminn.this morning around 12:54am, he told me that he cant call me, out of credit and tension. i'll understand but his tension make me miserable, my mind keep asking, what's wrong with him? is he okey? and many more Question just pop out into my head. i cant sleep(well, i just sleep 4 hours in the afternoon, how can i sleep at night?) so, i join my bro watching "Jutawan Fakir" but not for long, 1:45am, i went back upstairs to brush up my messy hair at the same time reading a magazine to cover my boredome.. suddenly at 2:10am, he sms me, my guess was right, he'll sms me asking me to called him. so quickly i called him using "ehem" phone.;p pujuk dia agak lama. he cried again, OH GOD! i cant hear he cried. but not for long, i tried to cheer him up. it works. but it takes 2 hours to persuade him & make him laugh. hard though, but it was worth it when i heard his laughing voice. that's all i need to hear from him. pukul 11:15am td dia sms aku lagi, mintak aku call dia. okeylah aku call mana tahu ada perkara penting dia nak cakap, rupanya dia nak hantar baju k.U(yang lapuk) kat aku. aku kata okeylah. nanti dia sms aku. i'll wait for my mom to pick aimi at auntie Saadah's house. aku curi2 keluar dari pintu belakang rumah dengan bantuan kak Supina(yang sedang masak) bagi cover aku daripada kantoi dengan abg sulung aku. fuhhh.. aku jumpa dengan dia kat tepi rumah Ilya. aku sandar kat tepi tembok tu. dia bawak satu plastik untuk bagi aku. lepas aku ambil dan check, tiba-tiba je dia tarik aku ke dalam pelukan dia and menyatakan yang dia rindu aku teramat sangat. Woahhh!! serious, terkejut pun ada, rasa macam nak nangis pun ada masa tu. aku memang rindukan dia, tapi aku takmau tunjuk muka sedih aku kat dia, dia tengah sedih kalau dia tengok muka aku sedih, lagilah dia sedih. aku takmau itu. lama jugaklah dia peluk aku. nak aja aku balas pelukan dia tapi aku tak daya. takut apa yang jiran sebelahku kata nanti. sebak pun ada bila dia peluk aku tapi aku sedaya upaya tahan supaya tak tertunjuk. rasa macam pertemuan tadi tak cukup bagi melepaskan rindu. terasa sekejap sahaja. waarghh!! depan dia memang aku boleh tahan sebak, aku gadis kuat. aku tak mahu nangis. Sayang. naluri perempuan lebih mudah tersentuh, sekuat mana aku tahan, ia mampu goyah jugak. huhuhu..;(
hey hey peps!!i just moderate new account..actually this is the first time i wrote blog.(follower heheh). i'm just bored actually. that's why i think writting a blog is useful to realease stress & boredome. haish. hols sure is bored nowadays. cant go out. stuck in my house doin nothin. DARN IT! i just can't for school to be reopen eventhough 2008 is my horror year. SPM. oh my dear SPM. time sure fly. 2008 is our last year of school. i have to enjoy it as much as i could. don't even care about SPM duh, well actually i do care...a bit. hahaha. arghhh!!Hey, the great news about this hols is...i'm Grounded! sheesh!! really was a good news!! dream on, i'm getting bored & bored each days forward. i do felt guilty to him. all cpls go out with their cpls on the hols, but we can't & this is all because of that stupid Grounded thingy! Arghhh!! why do i have to be grounded just because i walk to my friend's place at ss 17?? why don't my mom trust us like dad trust us to walk home from school using the flyers. I was tottaly Horrified when using that old flyers, there's one time when i walk to school on Friday afternoon to the library, there's a lorry came along and suddenly stop exactly in front of me.on that time,my heart has stop beating. My feelings telling me something suspicious with the lorry. but i just act brave and just walk beside the lorry. The lorry' driver is actually an indian guy. he's wearing a dark sunglasses. woahh..i say..seriously i say, why is he staring at me like i'm walking naked? that make me goosebumps. but i just walk along but faster than before. after 10 steps behind, the lorry drove off. Fiuhhh!! that was a realease. seriously, i dont know what gonna happen to me if that indian guy snatch me and pull me inside. woaaahhh.. no way no wayy!! Thank GOD i'm safe. from that day, i'll nvr use that old flyers again after they have built a bridge that connected ss19 to ss17. its give a lot easier for me. furthermore, the bridge is located near to my house.;)that was a valuable lesson for me to be more be careful with anything around me. ;))